Palau's PSS Remeliik rescues 15 Filipino fishermen
Koror, Palau- Fifteen Filipino fishermen were rescued in Palau waters after their motorbanca being towed to shore by the PSS Remeliik was damaged during rough seas.
The fishermen all hails from General Santos City,were caught moored at a fish aggregating device (FAD) located in South East of Helen Reef, Sunday.
According to Remeliik’s Acting Commanding Officer, Allison Baiei, in an interview today said ,marine law enforcers, during a regional patrol of Palau’s Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), were supposed to let the fishermen go after confiscating their catches and fishing lines

Fifteen Filipino fishermen are stranded in Palau after their motobanca was destroyed during rough seas.
However the motorbanca suffered engine trouble, forcing PSS Remeliik to tow the vessel to the nearest shore to allow the captain to fix the engine.
The fishermen were transferred to the patrol boat after the banca’s outriggers were damaged. The boat didn't survive the rough seas.
No charges are due filed against the fishermen but they are now stranded in Palau, while marine law officers coordinate with proper authorities in the Philippines to send the fishermen home.

The PSS Remeliik and PSS Kedam moored at Palau's Marine Law dock after just returning from the first half of the anti-illegal fishing operation Rai Belang. March 13th 2018.