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Surangel Jr Leads in New Online Poll

A Palau Media Council (PMC) survey showed that presidential candidate Sen. Surangel Whipps Jr. got the most support from the recent debate.

Surangel Whipps Jr.

Out of 47 respondents, 21 said they will support Whipps after hearing and watching the Aug. 17 debate, hosted by the PMC. Tommy Remengesau Jr. came in second with 16, Sandra Pierantozzi at 7, while Antonio Bells did not get any support from the poll.

The survey also indicated that before the debate, Whipps and Remengesau were tied with 16 supporters, while Pierantozzi got 5.

10 survey respondents were undecided before the debate; this number shrank to three afterwards.

At least 18 survey respondents are local Palauans, 20 are living in the United States, and the remainder live either in Guam or Saipan.

At least 12 young people, between the age of 25 to 34, participated in the debate while 13 of people in the 35 to 44 age group also responded to the survey.

In an earlier onsite survey, Remengesau Jr. and Surangel Whipps Jr. were tied in Aug. 17 debate.

In that earlier survey, out of 30 Remengesau supporters, 13 would continue support; Whipps continued post-debate support at 14. One would support Antonio Bells and one was undecided.

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