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Reapportionment Commission Keeps 13-Member Senate, One District

Palau’s Reapportionment Commission in its report released Wednesday kept a 13-member Senate, stating in its report that it found no “compelling reason” to change the makeup of the Senate.

The seven-page report released by members of the Commission stated that “ keeping the current Senate makeup as one district composed of 13 members addresses the over representation issue and expected to contain expenditures.”

On its deliberation the commission also said the 13-man Senate “would make the Senate more responsive to the needs and the will of the people.”

The outcome however expects opposition in the coming 60 days.

The Commission is made up of seven members appointed by the President and approved by the Senate. The group was again formed this year as the law mandates that it should reviewthe Senate makeup every eight years.

The commission was guided by four principles to come up with a decision 1) Most recent census data available, 2) Principle that no citizen may be denied equal protection of the law, 3) Consider operating expense of the Senate, and 4) Principle that no purposeful advantage is given to senatorial incumbent.

The members of 2016 Reapportionment Commission are Haruo Esang – chairman of the Commission, Ongerung Kambes Kesolei – Vice Chairman, Maria Rehuher, Berry Moon Okada, Peter Elechuus, Valentino Tirso, and Martin Sokau.

Members of 2016 Reapportionment Commission are Haruo Esang – chairman of the Commission, Ongerung Kambes Kesolei – Vice Chairman, Maria Rehuher, Berry Moon Okada, Peter Elechuus, Valentino Tirso, and Martin Sokau who on Wednesday released the outcome of their review.

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