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Media Tours PPUC Well Facilities

A media tour organized by Palau Public Utilities Corporation visited several locations of wells that are being developed or have come online to supplement the 500,000 gallons from Ngerikiil river that is being treated and distributed throughout the Koror-Airai Public Water Supply System.

PPUC's Director of Administration Tmetuchl Baules who organized the tour yesterday, disclosed that some of the five wells in various locations in the vicinity of Ngerikiil River intake and Ngerimel Dam are expected to be fully operational as soon as EQPB gives the go ahead.

Water is not reaching the dam located more than 1,000 feet downstream from the Ngerikiil intake. The dam was constructed in 1983 as a response to the big drought/El Nino event that took place in same year.

Newly constructed Ngerikiil well that has been in operation for 72 hours pumping at a rate of 25 gallons per minute. The well is used to supplement the Ngerikiil water source, which is pumped for processing at the treatment plant in Ngeruluobel. The well was one of several that were identified 30 years ago but is now being developed as part of the mitigation measures taken up to ensure that water continue to reach the people through public water supply system.

Tmetuchl Baules showing portion of the approximately 1,000 feet of pipeline that connects Ngerikiil well to the Ngerikiil Intake.

Water almost at a standstill in the middle and deeper part of the river. The drought has exposed more than a dozen feet of red clayish soil from the bank of the river.

New well that has come online to serve as a filling station in Airai. The well, which was bore holed in 1985 is now producing water at a rate of 25 gallons per minute. Away from the utilities, the well is powered by an onsite portable electric generator.

Baules displays a sample of the pumped well water in Ngerimel.

Water collects into the deeper areas of the approximately 20 million gallon-sized Ngerimel reservoir.

Water level at the Ngerimel Dam was 11 feet as of April 7, 2016.

Members of the local media on field trip to tour the well facilities in their various stage of development.

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