Views from Palau: A trip to the state of nature
Kiribati- The 408,250-km Phoenix Islands Protected Area located within Kiribati, a central tropical Pacific country, is the world’s...

Here’s a practical way to work out
Palau’s two-pronged program promotes fitness while clearing invasive species Koror — On one Saturday in February, dozens of Ngardmau...

Interior Assistant Secretary Domenech makes official visit to Palau
Celebrates $123 million under signed U.S. Compact Review Agreement and promises close collaboration with Federal partners to finalize and...

Palau’s opposition senators suspect documents switched in airport project
Koror- Palau’s $31-million airport expansion project is facing closer scrutiny, with the Senate minority bloc raising more questions and...

Trade liberalization shortchanges Pacific Island economies
Tamuning- The Pacific Agreement on Closer Economic Relations Plus, a regional economic integration pact that opens free trade among...

Australia's FM Julie Bishop presents US$60,000 for Palau Pledge Initiative
Koror — The Australian government has donated US$60,000 to Palau in support of the Pacific nation’s eco-pledge initiative — a program...

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop to visit Palau, FSM and RMI
Koror- Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop will arrive in Palau on Sunday for the first leg of her North Pacific visit, according to...

Views from Palau: Filming Palau's rarest wildlife
Koror — When it comes to filming wildlife in Palau, one specie has been on my bucket list for many years. Estimates suggest that there...

Palau senators raise more questions on airport project documents
Koror- While Palau President Tommy Remengesau Jr. stated that the multi million airport expansion project is well underway, members of...

What the health: Skull and bones — and our bodies
Auckland, N.Z.— When you see or hear the word “toxic,” what’s the first thing that comes to mind? Do you think about oil spills and...