Micronesian leaders to PIF: China and Taiwan are to be treated "equally"
Koror- Leaders of the Micronesian region “strongly encouraged” that Pacific Islands Forum (PIF) and its Secretariat recognized equally...

FSM, RMI support Guido’s presidency, Palau neutral on Venezuela crisis
Koror- Palau President Tommy Remengesau Jr. said it will remain neutral on calls by powerful nations to Juan Guido’s claim on Venezuela...

Palau leader says Micronesia will demand a stronger voice in the Pacific
Koror- The Micronesian region should continue sounding its small but powerful voice to address the many of the concerns it faces- climate...

Palau to host Micronesian Presidents' Summit this week
Koror- Palau is hosting this year’s Micronesian President’s Summit, bringing together the chief executives of the independent countries...